Quality management

Control system

The fundamental stones of building IAM credibility are responsibility, conscientiousness, reliability and opened dialogue with the customer. The permanent dialogue is an opportunity to find a quality solution while meeting customer needs, and optimal ratio of cost and provided service.

Our company implemented Quality Management System ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 and Environmental Management System ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016.

Our team members hold ITI certificates.

The Test Laboratory no. 1228 is accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute CIC, Prague according to the Standard ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025.


Environmental Management System
Quality Management System

IMS policy

Customer audits

CEZ, Plc and SKODA JS Plc


The company is a qualified supplier with authorization to provide services in areas of development and research in the field of mechanics and computing procedures at practical application of testing, including the implementation of specific testing in own accredited laboratory in accordance with specifications and requirements customer for CEZ, Plc.



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